
Showing posts from January, 2019

The reality of having crushes

Nowadays, you'd see a lot of teenagers posting relationship goals and full emoticon messages on Facebook, and I go 'may' whenever I pass by those cheesy posts. Not that I'm bitter, but shouldn't those things be kept intimately private? For me, the only acceptable relationship goals that couples can post is if they finish college together, or volunteer someplace that can help heal the world, some shenanigans of that type. If I were given the chance to talk about love to teenagers or at least a younger version of myself this is what I'd say: 1. Don't waste time on someone who doesn't like you. -Why would you even want someone who doesn't appreciate you, or goes 'ickkk' whenever they see you. Know your worth. 2. Sometimes it's not worth the risk. -I think I learned it the hard way that you can't just tell someone you like them, though it would be cool if that turns into a norm, it is true that friendships die or do get b

The reality of taking the ECE Board Exam

I am here to put all fake news and myths down, confirm some info, cause I am gonna tell you the reality of the ECE BOARD EXAM. 1. PRE BOARDS and RC EXAMS Much harder than the actual board exam, I tell you. So don't feel bad if you fail an exam, or didn't reach your goal, you still have a long way to go. Remember also, it doesn't determine how you'd do in the actual board exam. But, it's a good practice. 2. THE ACTUAL BOARD EXAM You'd feel surprised once you see the actual board exam. 40-60% you'd feel like you can answer right away with all those techniques that were taught, at least for the Math and ESAT part. Electronics and GEAS you'd really have to push your luck, but it also depends. In some years, Elecs was easy, in some, it was the hardest. Just remember the board exam was designed to be answered by normal human beings, you don't have to feel that you have to have the highest of honors just so you can survive. 3. YOU WILL MISS CLASSE