
Showing posts from June, 2019

The reality of low maintenance relationships

A friend and I were talking about his love life and as he continues to talk shy-ly about it, he told me that it's no biggie since they're no high maintenance for affection. And really, I was struck. Who isn't high maintenance for affection? Don't you want frequent goodmornings and goodnights? To regularly see the person you adore. To constantly talk to him/her about your dreams, fears and random mumbles. It really kept me thinking. But maybe he's right. Revolving on another person would be mentally unhealthy and would figuratively consume you. And maybe this is the right age to understand or realize that life has unlimited adventures, but for a limited time. And giving every time to another would just be a waste. Maybe low maintenance affections would be healthy as long as both of you want and can maintain that level. At least there'd be balance. You can have fun with your friends and be with the person you love on some days.  Next question, how do you keep

The reality of joining pageants

Realizations about pageants: I'd like to share with you the reality of joining a pageant. I have joined 2 pageants, one in high school, where I represented my whole batch and one in college, where I represented my section. And this may not be experienced by everyone, but these are the points that I got from those experiences. General Tip: Get your money ready! The more money the nicer clothes, the bigger donations and the greater the handlers you can hire! 1. Attires There are a lot of attires you have to prepare, sports attire, casual attire, evening gown attire. You can borrow clothes, you can buy or you can rent. Sometimes, the handlers you hire can lend you clothes for the sports or evening gown, but take note you will not be the first person who wears the costume so you may see pictures of people, from before, wearing the same attire. 2. Popularity Contest / Donations When I was in highschool money ran these contests. Breaking the ice, I have encountered

The reality of wanting to talk to somebody

Ever get the feeling of wanting to talk to someone so badly, but your afraid you might annoy them? Or at the very least, they only talk to you out of politeness? How do you deal with this? Cause I've experienced this feeling over and over again, but I still don't know how to properly deal with it, better yet avoid it. I still try to discover different ways, and that puts me in an uneasy state. I try to stop myself by putting messages in the archive so I won't see the thread. I'm trying to live by the motto "Choose people who choose you" so that keeps myself from messaging a person. If they want to talk to you, they will. If you don't receive a message in a certain amount of time then you know what that means. But what if they feel the same way, and they're the ones waiting for your message?

The reality of doing a school colloquium

I have to say that you don't have to worry about doing a school colloquium, most of the time your co-students are the only ones who would ask you questions. And take note, they only know so much, unlike you who dedicated half of your graduating life doing your research.  But I have to say if your capstone is easy to relate to, expect a lot of questions. Our research was about changing the technology of traffic lights, of course, almost everyone has a say since we often encounter traffic congestion and as we being pedestrians.  Presented our undergraduate thesis, Development of Vehicle and Pedestrian Simulation Environment based in Lacson Avenue- Dapitan Street and a M.I.S.O. Fuzzy Logic Controlled Intelligent Traffic Light System. 

The reality of handling criticisms

I think retreat letters were important considering that it was the perfect time to tell people how you truly feel. May it be good or bad, criticisms or not, it was a great way to change perspective or have an epiphany. It's also a way to test yourself on how you react to the positive, and of course the negative. You'd be dumb enough if the letters hadn't taken a toll on you. A friend told me that his criticisms were meant to improve me, and I think his letter was one of the truest. It may hurt, but if it will change you for the better, then fire away. It sucks how other people see it as the opposite, they think you're mad or keeping a grudge for a long time, that's not how it's supposed to work!

The reality of packing

Leaving for another country is such a blissful feeling, getting excited, shopping for clothes, and searching for itineraries. But, before getting all those feelings, surely everyone has encountered the hassles and horrors of packing! So, yes this post is solely for packing itself. I hate packing moreover when you have a 10 or 20 kg limit and especially if you stay in a place for 5 or more days. You know us girls, it's better to overpack than under pack. So we travel with 2 or more spares, leaving with less room for the more important stuff. I don't know if it's just me, but I get this anxiety if I don't have an extra anything. So here are my packing tips! 1. Put it in a ziplock You don't want any liquids to spill off? Especially those oils and lotions that we often leave open. At one point in our life, we all experienced rubbing tissue and getting sticky because of spilled lotion and powders. 2. Roll it! Yes, roll your clothes and stac

How to pass the ECE BOARD EXAM?

How to pass the ECE board exam? I was an average student when I was in college. Some times on the upside, some on the down. And knowing that that was my condition I was deeply worried about how I would turn out for the boards. I mean, I can barely keep up with 10 or so subjects per semester, what more with all ECE subjects. But let me give you some tips on how to pass the ECE boards, these are the things that I would've wanted to tell myself when I first opened the books to review for the boards: 1. Stick to the basics No thick old Tomasi books! I think if I wanted or really aimed to be a top notcher I would have read it, but I didn't aim that far because of the hassles that it would take, I didn't wanna pressure myself that much.  Instead, read summarized books like Villamor (PERCDC) for Electronics which cost 500.00 and Frenzel (Recto) for ESAT which cost 150.00, and then once you cover all the basics keep on answering multiple-choice questions of Blake, Malvino, et

The reality of working on an Engineering project

So recently we had a project called the 8-bit design of Arithmetic Logic Unit, where we had to design a system that would satisfy the conditions given by our professor. And given that we had a LOT of things to do prior to this project our superficial cramming powers kicked in. We did the hardware overnight. The design, for 2 weeks maybe. And here are our overnight pics and in suicide mission pics. Calling it a suicide mission cause we did the hardware for 4 hours only. And it was crazy and really ambitious to finish it in 4 hours. ( we were supposed to use PCB, but we had a hard time, so don't judge if we did the breadboard design for 4 hrs only) . Oh, and I have to say there really is a homecourt advantage when you get to do the project in your house, got a lot of unused electronic equipment from it.        (Buying components at Quiapo)     ( Studying how the Toner transfer method works)                  (Pizza from Clarence)                  (